Queen Esther

Queen Esther
And who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? ~ Esther 4:14

Saturday, March 6, 2021

What Are We Doing???

Boy, have we ever been busy!

Banning classic books because of offense.

Banning classic movies because of offense.
Banning and changing the names of popular, long-time products because of offense.
Taking offense at spoken pronouns that you may not agree with.
Slamming someone for being a Christian.
Slamming someone for being a Muslim.
Slamming someone for being an atheist.
Discriminating against others for their political views.
Discriminating against those who choose not to vaccinate.
Discriminating against those who choose to vaccinate.
Discriminating against those who advocate wearing masks.
Discriminating against those who advocate not wearing masks.
Verbal or physical attacks and retaliation for all these opposing views and more.
And all because of an unnecessary verb.

It seems we have an old/new king reigning now, and his name is OFFENSE.

Satan has hijacked our moral ideals and is taking us all for a ride in a shiny new Cadillac down a slippery slope, watching with glee as we free-fall down the path of no return. And we are not only allowing this taking of our agency, we are GIVING it away, all because of the loud cries of a small few who have stealthily lulled the misguided to join in. Those few voices are now a massive choir, and their concerts are touring worldwide, beginning here in every city and state. The music they are singing is a tune I’ve never cared for, and it’s turning many everyday Americans into stage-hogging divas with megaphones, spouting lyrics that tickle the ears of some, and rupture the eardrums of others.

Just as no one can make any of us feel inferior without our consent, no one can offend us without our consent.
There is only one person who ever had the right to be offended:
He was disregarded, ridiculed, beaten, and spat upon.
He taught truth that most did not want to hear.
He performed miracles that many disregarded even after seeing with their own eyes.
He suffered in the Garden for a people who would betray Him.
He gave His life on the cross for a people who would reject Him.
With all this, He could have easily taken offense.
But did He?
Instead, He prayed for us, then willingly ransomed us, paying a price that we could never pay.
And why did He do this?
Because of love – His perfect love for us.
He allowed every single offense imaginable to be heaped upon Him, shouldering those burdens so we wouldn’t have to.
I’ve been using the term “asinine” quite a bit these days, because these truly are days of asinine thinking, asinine points of view, and asinine mindsets. We are now living in a time when so many of the elect are allowing the world to do their thinking for them – and I’m not just speaking of the group the world terms as millennials, because everyone living on the earth today fits into that category. Many of us spout what the world has taught us, no matter our culture, never fully realizing that the half-truths and outright lies have branded themselves on our hearts, hardening them, and becoming almost impossible to erase without some serious reprogramming and rewiring of our brains. And trust me, when it comes to mind control, Satan has been militant in his efforts to keep us twisting in the wind to the point that we cannot discern what is real. We misread the signs pointing to the dangers ahead. And in misreading, most of us find ourselves riding the current down a river we never intended, divested of sail, ores, and a lifejacket, and careening toward our spiritual death over the unseen waterfall just ahead.

Satan truly is the god of this world and he will be until the Lord returns and takes power back from him. Until then, we must break through the fog of perpetual lies, step off the chessboard and stop allowing ourselves to be pawns in the lifelong game of the elites. They are strategic in every move they make because Satan is their team captain.
The quote, “Most people don’t really want the truth, they just want constant reassurance that what they believe is the truth,” is truer than any other quote floating out there. And until we stop letting the world dictate our beliefs and mold our morals, that quote will continue to be the motto of the land. Then God will indeed leave this land because we chose to kick Him out of it, electing to follow the supposed “world leaders” instead of our “Heavenly Leader.”
May we all – with firm determination - choose the latter.

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