Queen Esther

Queen Esther
And who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? ~ Esther 4:14

Thursday, July 29, 2021

The Crippling War of Deception

 There are so many forms of deception going on today that it is almost impossible to keep count. And
the bigger the deception, the harder it is to accept the truth, particularly when the deception has been so carefully and lullingly orchestrated to the point that discovering the truth can leave us with broken pride and open eyes that have been tightly-closed for so long. Since Satan is the master of deception, he is brilliant at his craft, which is exactly why he is the momentary god of this world. He only tells truths to perpetuate lies, and today, his numerous lies abound, and his cunning is more effective than at any other time in the history of this world. Despite God placing us (the strongest spirits) on the earth at this time, the satanic programs are in place that pit man's views and philosophies against God's truths, lulling us into Gadianton's camp, blinding us to age-old secret combinations. However, where some of us are lulled, others go willingly, and no matter how many times the Lord exposes the truth, the natural man in us still chooses to lean on the arm of flesh instead of the arm of God - the very thing we have been counseled over and over NOT to do!

As I have said many times (and I will keep saying it) nothing done in the dark is ever hidden from God's eyes. The Lord longs to open the eyes of the blind, unstop the ears of the deaf, enrich the minds that are impaired, and shine the light of truth into both the deceived and self-deceived hearts. Knowing the truth is vital, because that truth will indeed make us free.

May we all pray for strengthened and increased spiritual discernment. May we fix our eyes on the Savior, that we may know Him, that He may open our eyes to Satan's deceptions and strengthen our armor for the battle we are now fighting against the surrounding powers of darkness, as well as the battles looming ahead.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

A Letter to My Savior

 Dear Lord,

It's always a blessing to share my thoughts with you. I know You know what is in my
heart at all times, but You still like hearing from me.

Lord, as You know, there are a great many things weighing on my heart these days - most of it to do with my family and the world.

Lord, I know You've probably been here to this earth covertly more times than I can count. I know You sorrow over what You've witnessed going on here, seeing things we can only imagine - and I don't even WANT to. Just viewing the tragedies I've already seen in my little finite world is sometimes more than I can bear. But then again I never bear them alone because You are here carrying me through, shouldering the burdens for me. And the fact that You do it so willingly will always be amazing to me.

Lord, with everything being afflicted upon man these days and all the prophecies being fulfilled, it is clear  that Your return in glory is very, very soon, and You are even at the doors. You have given us every opportunity to surrender our hearts and turn them to You, yet pride and the vain things of the world stand in the way, and because we choose the things of this world over You, we turn away from the blessings that You are waiting to bestow upon us.

You have given us opportunity after opportunity to prepare ourselves for Your coming, both temporally and spiritually. You hear the prayerful hearts as well as the cursing hearts, and You see inside them all. While some of us pray to have fear purged from our hearts and have faith fill them, others give in to the fear and let that fear rule in almost every area of their lives. While I and other pray to be cleansed of despair and doubt and to be filled with hope, some are too weak and the despair only grows.

Even I have moments of weakness, Lord, and You are aware of those weakness when they strike. You try to help me keep the sorrows at bay, specifically when it comes to myself. The sorrows I feel for others, You allow me to experience them in full before comfort comes. We are supposed to sorrow for others, and Lord, sometimes my heart is too full of those sorrows, yet You are there to catch the overflow, because You already fully drank of that bitter cup long ago.

Why can we not keep our eyes fixed on You, Lord? Why do we let the natural man take over? Why are ears stopped, eyes blinded, and hearts continually hardened to the truth? Why are material things more important than fellow human beings? Why are the world's ideals widely accepted, and why are the philosophies of man continuously being touted as truth? Why do so many of us fear man more than You and Father? Why is the world's spiritual predicament still being ignored by so many of us? Why can we not see that all is NOT well in Zion?

And why does it hurt so much to witness it all?

Lord, I know You and Father are aware of the storms raging here at the hands of the adversary. You are aware of everything, and that knowledge bring me and others comfort.

Still, Lord, I'm so tired this morning, just as are many others who have a heart for You. I've been so tired the past few days, darkness has threatened to overwhelm me. But I know You understand, and You have stood ready to do battle against the encroaching darkness, filling my surroundings with Your light. I thank You for that, Lord. I thank You with all my heart. Because of Your continuous light, I have made it through the days, just as I will make it through this day, and the next, and the days after that, until You bring me to where You are, understanding that You will always meet me where I am.

My wish is that each of us could know how much we are loved by You and Father. I hope and pray that You will help each of us get our houses of the heart in order, that we may anxiously wait for Your glorious return.

I will never stop watching and waiting, Lord.

Thank You for being my Lord and Savior. Thank You for loving me that much.

I love You.
