Queen Esther

Queen Esther
And who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? ~ Esther 4:14

Sunday, August 6, 2017

My Heart is Full!

I just love this quote because it prompts looking outside ourselves and our own little world.

It's amazing how the Lord works, and how He sometimes sends His love, comfort and support through others. I have felt that love, comfort, and support in abundance this past few weeks. It has only served to increase and strengthen my testimony of God's awareness of each of us individually, and I am so grateful. You never know how your words or actions will affect someone, and the many kindnesses that my family and I have received have been especially uplifting. My heart is so full, it makes me teary. I know that I am loved, and that my Father and my Savior know my heart. They are always aware of my thoughts, my concerns, and the righteous desires of my heart - and every single day, They help me know that THEY ARE AWARE and are always near me.

This is a time of great joy for my husband and I. Our family is expanding like crazy, increasing our future posterity, which brings us so much joy. I only hope and pray that they will all continue to walk in the way of the Lord and make Him the center of their lives. When I was young, I never dreamed of having such a large posterity, or of being so blessed. My family is a gift, one that I pray I will be worthy of having forever.
My friends, fellow church members, and loved ones are a gift as well, and I am grateful for you all.
Thank you for being the Lord's hands to touch not only me, but so many others!

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