Queen Esther

Queen Esther
And who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? ~ Esther 4:14

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Purifying Times

I've heard it said before that how we deal with trials shows the Lord what we are made of, but I have
found that that's not really true. The Lord already knows what we are made of because HE KNOWS US. Instead, it is WE who learn what we are made of. And as I've said before, with God, there is nothing we cannot bear, as long as we don't allow adversity to turn us away from Him. For some, that is an easy thing to do, and blaming Him for the sorrow and tragedy that has - and is - happening in the world is almost automatic, while others drift away gradually without even realizing it is happening. And boy, does Satan ever love it when that happens! He delights in every wedge placed between us and the very Beings who are always near, just waiting with open arms to comfort and guide us through the oppressing darkness into the light. But They can't do that if Their hands are smacked away simply because the trials don't end in "our time" and "our way."

I pray that we can all remember that none of us walk our chosen path alone - whether moving in the direction of the dark night and into deeper darkness, or following heavenly guidance through the fading darkness into the light of the "Son."

But . . . we must remember that God's thoughts are not our thoughts, neither are His ways our ways.

We are going through hard things, and we will face harder things still. However, if we pray with all the energy of our heart, soul, and our very being, for eyes to see and ears to hear what is true (as well as for hidden truths to be brought to light - including secret and sinister combinations), seeking for what is good, holy, and righteous - and then pray for the faith, strength, and courage to act accordingly, we will be blessed with those righteous desires.
The Lord promised this, and His promises are never broken.

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