Queen Esther

Queen Esther
And who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? ~ Esther 4:14

Sunday, June 19, 2016

God's Loving Compensation

I have often thought about how God compensates us for our trials, and looking back over my life, I see how true this is.

When I suffered through years of depression, God compensated me by blessing with a patient husband who was always there for me. Whenever we have trials with our children, God compensates us by increasing our unconditional love for them, as well as helping us discover lessons learned. When I worry, God compensates me by giving me the knowledge that He is in control and as long as I am faithful, everything will be okay.

Now, on the lighter side, here are a few more examples.

When I used to have drive-me-crazy moments with the kids, God compensated me by helping me understand that those moments would one day fade, and He helped me to make the best of them. I was also compensated by being able to say, "Go to your room!"

Whenever I found another spot where my hair had thinned, I was compensated with a new wig and was soon the proud owner of a Dreamgirls section in my closet.

Whenever I got a rejection letter for a manuscript submission, God compensated me by increasing my determination to get published, and gave me the opportunity to improve my writing.

When my family tracks dirt on my freshly-mopped kitchen floor, God compensates me by . . . well, I don't know how I'm compensated on that one. I'm still trying to figure it out. But I know there's blessing there somewhere :-)
The point I'm trying to make is that trials are given, both big and small, and none are taken away without God giving us something back in return.
So we should try to recognize the blessings in everything.

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