Queen Esther

Queen Esther
And who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? ~ Esther 4:14

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Believe it Or Not, We Do Need God

I have found over the years that there are times when Heavenly Father will answer a prayer before a word is even uttered. He doesn't need to hear our prayers to know our heart, but we need to pray to know His.
Satan would have us believe we don't need God. He teaches that there is no need of a god because we are all gods unto ourselves. It has been that way since the very beginning. What did he tell Eve in the garden when she said the Father told them not to eat of the fruit of the tree of good and evil lest they die? He said they would not die, but would be as the gods, knowing good and evil. Even then, he was trying to persuade them to believe they did not need God.
We all need God no matter what, and the moment we forget that, we are in serious trouble, which is why the country is in the state it is in. As a whole, we the people have turned our backs on God and His Son at a time when we need Them the most. Sadly, many are too caught up in the trappings of Babylon and are now asleep while chaos grows around us, the cacophony reaching deafening levels.
May we all pray without ceasing, exhausting ourselves with an outpouring of gratitude to the Father for His love, as well as pleading for our brothers and sisters everywhere in the world. May we plead for hearts to be softened, and for divine guidance in our own lives. May we pray to know the will of the Father, and for the courage and strength to do His will no matter what.

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