Queen Esther

Queen Esther
And who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? ~ Esther 4:14

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Salvation is His Name

Salvation is His Name
Copyright © 2015 Jewel Adams - All Rights Reserved.

When He came, the heavens opened, a life awaited, a gift promised.

His arrival was not in worldly glory, but Godly glory,
His birthplace not a palace, but a cave.
His entrance into the world was not announced by royalty,
But by an angel and a star.

Salvation was His name.

God in the flesh, born into mortality,
With His first breath, the heavens rejoiced.
Herod’s soldiers sought Him,
Leaving pain and bloodshed in their wake,
But they could not find Him.
When he grew and stood on young legs, wise men sought Him,
Guided by a star and the Spirit,
Bestowing their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh,
Upon the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Priests of Priests.
At twelve, His wisdom exceeded the learned, His glory slowly making itself known,
Ministering before His ministry even began.
He was our Exemplar, charting the path for us to follow.
He taught,
He loved,
He laughed,
He healed,
He chastised,
He blessed.
Then He atoned, paying the ultimate price,
For a world who rejected His very presence,
Purchasing with blood, the price for our sins and weaknesses,
Giving what no one else could,
Pleading to His Father for relief,
Yet uttering the selfless words, “Not my will, but thine be done.”
In agony, He suffered for a people who turned away,
Turned from the blessed gift given by the Father.

Salvation was His name.

Yet they knew Him not, accepted Him not.
He was betrayed by His own and was crucified.
The earth groaned and trembled in agony and the heavens wept,
For Him who laid His body down.
Yet, He picked it up again.
An increment of time, so long ago,
He still lives,
He still blesses,
He still laughs,
And He still loves.
But by many, He is still rejected.

And Salvation is still His name.

Without Him, we are nothing,
But to Him, we are everything.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Through the Fire

"You could ask yourself, "How did God bless me today?" If you do that long enough and with faith, you will find yourself remembering blessings. And sometimes you will have gifts brought to your mind which you failed to notice during the day, but which you will then know were a touch of God's hand in your life." ~
Henry B. Eyring

I don't believe in fate or luck; I believe in consequence and celestial favor. There is a blessing in everything, we just have to look for it. Sometimes the blessing can be extremely hard to see, but it is there.
At six years old, I couldn't comprehend a blessing coming from our house burning down on Christmas Eve, but as I became an adult and the years of reflecting on that Christmas rolled by again and again, I could see it. Boy, could I see it! And not in the way you might think.
The house was an old, dilapidated, wooden monstrosity that looked like a good stiff wind would blow it right over. I hated that house, because it was there that my abuse began. (The House of Hell would be a suitable title.) My brother and I avoided being inside as much as possible - well, as much as it was possible for a five and six-year-old, but those were different times.
On Christmas Eve, we were sent to bed early, and we were excited to go, because for a change, we were actually going to get presents that year.
Sometime later, I awakened in the arms of a fireman as he carried me through the smoke-filled, burning house and placed me on the lawn beside my family. And there we sat, watching it burn.

Now for the blessing.

We lost everything. The Salvation Army replaced our clothing and gave us some toys, and we were placed in the government housing project, Greer Town, one of the worst in Charlotte, North Carolina. Did my home-life change after that? No. In fact, things even got worse. However . . . my hatred of the old house takes us back to the blessing.
In that home was where the pain began. In that solitary home surrounded by an expansive grassy field, was where evil began and ran rampant. The old place represented evil in its purest form. And because of the fire, no one would ever be hurt there again. No child would ever be abused, and no mother would ever be beaten again within those walls. Yes, it would go on within other walls just as it does today, but at least that den no longer stood.
The memory of that blessing renews my joy and strengthens my faith in the Lord's future judgements. With the Savior's birth, life, atoning sacrifice, death, and resurrection, comes the surety that one day soon, all will be made right, and I am sure He has many millstones reserved for those who harm His little ones even today.

God's blessings are there in everything we experience, whether it is a consequence, a celestial favor, or a trial for our spiritual refinement. He knows what we need, and He knows what is best for us.
What little I lost in that fire has since been given back to me a million times over. And even back then, the Father cared about me more than I could have ever known. How do I know?
Because He brought me through the fire.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

What We Choose to Become

Something I have repeatedly tried to impress is the importance of choice. I am constantly saying that every single choice we make in this life affects someone or something - every single choice, no matter how
seemingly minor. Many think our choices mean nothing to no one but us, but that thinking could not be more wrong. Because even when we think we are only hurting ourselves with our actions, we are mistaken. We may think our life is our own, but it is not. It never was.
I have discovered that my choices not only affect my future but the future of others in some way, especially my family and others I am close to. Yes, everyone has their agency and nothing I do can control another person, but I know that my words, actions, and even my thoughts, make a difference and can affect others for good or ill. They also make a difference in me and what I will become.
May we all be conscious of our agency, and allow our choices to lead us along the path that will take us to a place in our lives where we become the heavenly beings we were before we came here.
And remember, we never have to travel that path alone. The Lord is always a most willing companion.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Tearing Down Walls

As imperfect human beings, we have the ingrained talent of building walls between ourselves and God. We also nurse our ever-increasing capacity to build walls between each other in one form or another for one reason or another. At a time in the world when we should be drawing closer together to help and strengthen one another and support each other through the trials and mounting tribulations, we draw further and further apart. Some of us become so isolated, we forget what it is like to be connected to another human being,
which is pretty sad.
This weeks I got the results back of a DNA test I took a couple of weeks ago, and I was surprised at the results. No, surprised is not strong enough, I was startled by the results! I knew my ancestry would be a diverse one, but I never expected these findings and I was literally blown away!
You're just dying to know, right? Well, first let me just say my ancestors have some explaining to do, but in a good way:-)
My test results state that my ancestry in order of strongest DNA match is: Argentina, Nigeria, India, Iraq, and Lithuania!
Definitely did NOT expect that! But I guess that would explain my love for foreign foods, colorful clothing, and Bollywood.
The reason these results are so exciting to me is because they testify that we truly are all connected in one way or another. We are not only literal sons and daughters of God, we are literally brothers and sisters, which means none of us are alone in the world.
God never put a wall between Himself and us. We did that all on our own, and each time we do anything not in harmony with the Savior's teachings, we add more bricks to that wall. Just as we built that wall, we also erect the high ones that stand between each other. Now is the time to tear them down. First, begin tearing down the wall between us and God. Then invest in an emotional sledgehammer and demolish our walls until there is nothing left standing between us. Only then will we truly be able to see each other as we really are - brothers and sisters trying to make it back to that same Father who gave us life. Then, as we should, we will reach out a hand and help each other ascend and reach the heavenly place prepared for us.
A place with no walls.