Queen Esther

Queen Esther
And who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? ~ Esther 4:14

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Tearing Down Walls

As imperfect human beings, we have the ingrained talent of building walls between ourselves and God. We also nurse our ever-increasing capacity to build walls between each other in one form or another for one reason or another. At a time in the world when we should be drawing closer together to help and strengthen one another and support each other through the trials and mounting tribulations, we draw further and further apart. Some of us become so isolated, we forget what it is like to be connected to another human being,
which is pretty sad.
This weeks I got the results back of a DNA test I took a couple of weeks ago, and I was surprised at the results. No, surprised is not strong enough, I was startled by the results! I knew my ancestry would be a diverse one, but I never expected these findings and I was literally blown away!
You're just dying to know, right? Well, first let me just say my ancestors have some explaining to do, but in a good way:-)
My test results state that my ancestry in order of strongest DNA match is: Argentina, Nigeria, India, Iraq, and Lithuania!
Definitely did NOT expect that! But I guess that would explain my love for foreign foods, colorful clothing, and Bollywood.
The reason these results are so exciting to me is because they testify that we truly are all connected in one way or another. We are not only literal sons and daughters of God, we are literally brothers and sisters, which means none of us are alone in the world.
God never put a wall between Himself and us. We did that all on our own, and each time we do anything not in harmony with the Savior's teachings, we add more bricks to that wall. Just as we built that wall, we also erect the high ones that stand between each other. Now is the time to tear them down. First, begin tearing down the wall between us and God. Then invest in an emotional sledgehammer and demolish our walls until there is nothing left standing between us. Only then will we truly be able to see each other as we really are - brothers and sisters trying to make it back to that same Father who gave us life. Then, as we should, we will reach out a hand and help each other ascend and reach the heavenly place prepared for us.
A place with no walls.

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