Queen Esther

Queen Esther
And who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? ~ Esther 4:14

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Glory in Persecution

 We have been taught that the days would come when Christians will be persecuted for their

beliefs, no matter their Christian religion, and they have. Christians have been persecuted in some countries for decades, and even longer, but in far worse ways than we can imagine. In the U.S., my own religion has seen much persecution in the past, and though it slackened through the years, it never truly stopped. But neither has the Lord's work.

However, there is a persecution problem going on now that should never be.

Sadly, that problem is Christians persecuting other Christians.

To call ourselves true Christians means we are followers of Jesus Christ. It means we believe in Christ, we worship Him, and we look on Him as our Savior and Redeemer. It means that, though we aren't perfect, we are devoted to walking in His ways and obeying His commandments.

I can't help wondering what Christ thinks when He witnesses religions that are supposedly Christian bashing each other because of differences in our beliefs. This is the time when Christians - no matter our beliefs - need to be drawing closer and supporting one another, not in judgement or persecution, but in love. We should be united in our mutual love for the Savior, and that love should carry over to each otherWhen we persecute one another, we are allowing Satan to use us in his attempt to thwart the work of the Lord, thereby casting aside the influence of the Lord's spirit in our lives.

The day is fast approaching when EVERY knew will bow and EVERY tongue will confess that Jesus is the Christ. I pray that it will not be a day of grudging, but one of pure realization that we are all Children of God, and we are all loved beyond measure.

The Lord is in charge and He will judge accordingly. How grateful I am for that!

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