Queen Esther

Queen Esther
And who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? ~ Esther 4:14

Sunday, April 4, 2021

A Blessed Journey!

"My prayer was, ‘Give me a miracle. Solve this problem,’ and it took a while to finally come to the point
of saying, ‘I’m content to get a daily help’ and let it take what time it takes knowing that I can rely upon God. It’s been a blessing to me ever since to have that rather harrowing experience. Because of what it meant for my relationship with him. Maybe the greater blessing for us is to have to walk through it with him.” ~D. Todd Christofferson

I've pondered this quote deeply and asked myself, "Could I honestly do that? Could I be content with walking my own life's roads with the Savior?" And the answer is a big, "Yes!" Because I'm already doing that with every trial that comes! We all are. But the most important part of learning how to walk with Him is being grateful for the walk, and accepting the lessons that have come from that walk with Him.

This past year has taught me so much about myself.

Things I have learned or re-learned:

1. If the Lords commands me to do something, I can accomplish it, no matter how hard or impossible it may seem.

2. To never lean on the arm of flesh. His is the only sure arm, one that will never weaken or let me fall.

3. To never fear man more than God.

4. That when it comes to the gospel of Christ, I am SUPPOSED to go deeper, because as I do, He will in turn deepen my understanding.

5. I can do without so many things that I once put importance on, but I can NEVER do without my Savior.

6. That there will always be voices of deceit, but as long as I stay close to Him, He will help me discern what is real and what isn't.

7. That His warrior angels are present, watching over me 24/7 because I am constantly praying for assistance. The Lord knows I need His strength and He provides it, especially during those moments when my soul is so weighed down by adversity.

8. That no matter what, His plan for me is still in force, pointing me in directions I would never have thought to go.

9. That no matter what is going on in the world around me, He is God, and when I allow Him to, He will lead me exactly where He wants me.

10. And finally, to always be grateful. The importance of our gratitude to God is beyond description.

The Lord overcame the world, and because of Him, so can we. That is definitely an act worth our never-ending gratitude.

Happy Easter!

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