Queen Esther

Queen Esther
And who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? ~ Esther 4:14

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Needed: Righteous Women

I wish so badly that the women in this world could see that we are all of infinite worth. I wish we could all see our worth in the eyes of
God. We have got to stop letting the world beat us down and stop trying to make ourselves into the world’s ideal – and we have to stop this now! We have the divine potential to do so much, but we have to focus on what is important. God has a great work for the righteous women of this world. He knows what a force of righteous women can do, and so does Satan. How badly I want to be one of those righteous women! I ache for that! I hunger and thirst for that! I long for that for all women.
Heavenly Father is aware of each and every one of His daughters, and the Savior knows us intimately. He knows of the struggles we face in this life. He knows and He is there to lean on and help us through. He is the only one who can, but we have to let Him. We MUST open our minds and hearts and look to Him and not the world, because so much depends on the actions of God’s righteous daughters.

I have an affirmation that I keep in my thoughts to remind me of my worth and I invite you to use it as well: “Daughter of God, when you finally have eyes to see what heaven sees in you, you will have reached your true potential.” This isn't a vain thought, but it is a true one. Because when we finally do have eyes to see what God sees in us, we will no longer desire to do anything that would take us away from that goal. When we truly know who we are, we will constantly seek after anything that is virtuous, lovely, of good report, and praiseworthy. And though we will never reach perfection in this life, if we are constantly seeking after the things that will help us reach it, we are perfecting our desire to do good, which brings us to our full potential.
If we will but see ourselves the way God sees us, and live accordingly, nothing on this earth can stop us from claiming the heavenly prize that is ours for the taking.
I pray for this for all of us.

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